An offshore wind farm in the Little Belt east of Als is an essential piece of the puzzle to reach zero.

A part of: Change Energy and Produce Energy


household consumption is the capacity of the wind farm


the wind farm is expected to be ready

600 GWh

the wind farm is expected to supply the grid


The green transition means a significant increase in electricity consumption. Not only will there be far more electric cars, heat pumps and other electrical substitutes for fossil fuels. Green power is also needed to exploit the opportunities that technology already gives us today to reuse, for example, wastewater and CO2, so that it becomes a resource instead of a waste product. This is called sector coupling.

When Lillebælt Syd Wind Farm is ready, it will be able to produce 160 MW of green power, which corresponds to supplying 140,000 households.

The plan is that the large amounts of wind power will both supply a new Power-to-X plant at Nordals, and at the same time supply green power to the electricity grid to the Sønderborg area’s citizens, institutions and companies. The Power-to-X plant will produce green fuels and, like the Lillebælt Syd Wind Farm, plays a key role in the plans for the area’s sector coupling.

The power from the wind turbines is transported through a submarine cable to a transformer station at Lavensby Strand near Nordals, and from there into smaller, buried land cables to Svenstrup and Fynshav, where it is connected to Energinet’s existing transmission network between Sønderborg and Fyn.

SONFOR and European Energy have joined forces to develop, establish and operate the wind farm in the joint company Lillebælt Vind A/S. The wind farm is scheduled to be ready in 2028. Before construction can begin, the Danish Energy Agency must grant a permit, and Lillebælt Vind A/S expects the response to the application for the permit during 2024.

Read more about Lillebælt Syd

An offshore wind farm in the Little Belt east of Als is an essential piece of the puzzle to reach zero.